Today I was testing out my new hiking shoes. I had initially thought about taking a walk around Maridalsvannet, but since it has only been 2 weeks since my cast came off (I broke my ankle on the 28th of May in a paintball-war) I decided to take a shorter trip. Sognsvann is a scenic little lake in Oslo. One thing that I really love about Oslo is that most of the city's territory is actually forests and lakes. So, yes,...whe are still within the capital of Norway...

So, I've been enjoying a sunny afternoon. Afterwards I met up with friends and family and had a picnic inn Slottsparken.
I'm feeling fine and my ankle I think is healing nicely, although it is a bit frustrating that I can only walk at a slow pace...but a slow pace is excellent for enjoying nature on a bright sunshiny day!
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