Via Fjordman and Uriasposten
Radio Islam has made available Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf in the following languages: Swedish, English, German and French. But that's not all: They have also published Hitlers political testament in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Norwegian on their site along with that fake and racist document known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The infamous document that was created by Czar Nicholas II's secret police and pertains to be authored by a group of Jewish elders meeting in Switzerland in 1897 to plot the destruction of christianity and the attainment of jewish world domination. It was first published in 1903 and was used to inflame the masses to violence against jews.
And in the USA the Aryan Nations wants closer bonds with Al-Qaeda
"Kreis wants to make common cause with al Qaeda because, he says, they share the same enemies: Jews and the American government."
So, Islam is the religion of peace.