From United Press International:
The Speaker: Omar Bakri, founder of Hizb Al-Tahrir
Muslims living in Britain are facing two choices; either to migrate or to join the jihad, a key Islamic figure has said.
He urges them on to:
form a new coalition united behind al-Qaida with Osama Bin Laden as their leader.
Now, what about moderates who do not wish to kill british civilians. Answer:
"They are hypocrites, we don't believe they are Muslims," he told UPI. "In a time of crisis, who ever allies with them (the kuffaar -- non-believers) is one of them, so I don't believe they are Muslims in the first place."
"I doubt if one of them would dare to walk the streets of Mecca by themselves," he added.
At the meeting, these peacefull folks:
called for war against the kuffaar (non-Muslims) and lead chants as a projector screen showed images of dead American soldiers in Iraq.
As the infamous images of two planes crashing into the twin towers of the World Trade Center replayed again and again, the rapt watchers thrust their fists in the air and chanted "Allahu Akhbar! (God is great!)"
So, all in all, the message is: Kill all non-muslim Britons and any and all muslims who are not willing to fight the west in Jihad.
Just a little reminder, of past mistakes!